Honestly, if God told John to go and tell Herod that he was in the wrong, great, he did the right thing. Me, personally, I don't think I have been mandated to mess with the mote in someone else's eye until I have dealt with the beam in my own.
That's what is really scary about you and a few others I have run into. You seem to think that when God was talking to John the Baptist, or Jesus was talking to the Apostles, or Paul was talking to the Corinthians, that they were talking to you. You seem to think that any mandate to them is a mandate to you.
You berate me time and again for not being outspoken enough, for not letting my light shine. At the same time, there are other Christians that would berate you for not taking up serpents or speaking in tongues. There are others that would berate THEM for eating pork and going to chuch on Sunday instead of Saturday. Yes, Christians that believe that such Old Testement law wasn't changed. They feel as you do that they have a mandate to straighten you out as well.
You think you have a handle on things, and God bless you for it. The only problem I see is there are many, many people that read the Bible just as much as you, that can quote it just as easily as you, and that are just as sure they are right, and yet DIFFER with you.
God bless you for being so sure about what you believe in this day and age, but you don't seem interested in leading people to God. You seem interested in straightening out Christians. Personally, I think you have a lot of work to do on those who reject God outright before you start fine-tuning believers.