And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.
How Important is the Word of God to the Church Today?
Published on December 3, 2004 By preacherman In Religion
How important is the Word of God for the church today? Does the church seem to be a falling away from the truth of God's Word supplanting it with a gospel more palatable to the flesh?


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on Dec 04, 2004
I think I'm getting a little off topic here

No problem Molly- It appears a little strange that you don't believe God was involved in writing the Bible and you ran across this on a Religious Blog page.

The Bible says that God did write the Bible ref- 2 Peter 1:20 & 21 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost... 2 Timothy 3:16 states all scripture is given by inspiration (breathed) of God. In other words the very scripture was supernaturally spoken by men of God by God's Holy Spirit and is though it came from the very breath of God.

people have to be somewhat subjective when interpreting the Bible

The only interpretation is that of God's Spirit in the mind of the true believer- you know the scripture teaches that when we trust Christ as ou Saviour we are born again of His Spirit that we might have the mind of the Lord, that He may instruct us (1 Corinthians 2:16)

It is true!

on Dec 04, 2004
The Bible says that God did write the Bible

The box of Cheez Nips says Cheez Nips is America's favorite cheese-flavored snack. Of course the Bible is going to say it was written by would be contradictory for it to say otherwise.

The only interpretation is that of God's Spirit in the mind of the true believer

And a true believer is...

It is true!

Prove it.

I don't think anyone can claim to follow the Word of God at all, let alone to literally follow what the Bible says.

on Dec 04, 2004
philomedy consider this... when you have your proof- it may be too late!

Jesus Christ is the answer! Search the scriptures for in them is eternal life and He is the avenue. Faith my man... Faith.

God Bless
on Dec 04, 2004

The box of Cheez Nips says Cheez Nips is America's favorite cheese-flavored snack

please dont tell me that aint true.  dammit one more illusion shattered. (altho not without cost;altho im happy to pay one insightful rating for the education )  

on Dec 04, 2004
I believe in God. I have plenty of faith. I just don't think any defensible system of moral values can be based on an uncertainty. What if someone finds a passage in the Bible that can be interpreted to mean that it is morally wrong to drink water? Then what?

please dont tell me that aint true. dammit one more illusion shattered.

I know...I still remember when I found out the truth about Cheez Nips...I cried for days...
on Dec 04, 2004
philomedy consider this... when you have your proof- it may be too late!

Just to clarify...I am asking for proof that what is found in the Bible is the Word of God, not for proof of God's existence.
on Dec 04, 2004
Prove it.

The scriptures teach that in the last day shall come scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming- The spirit is present, it is the proof.

God Bless
Enjoy your Cheez Nips but be sure to consume them here for in they lake of fire- they shall not withstand the heat.

There is always hope in the person of Christ. How great a salvation. But be sure to read the earlier portions of this thread- it is not mandated or forced it is man's own free will.

on Dec 04, 2004
The scripture say the devil believes in God... yet he fears. Why do you think?

on Dec 04, 2004

Enjoy your Cheez Nips but be sure to consume them here for in they lake of fire- they shall not withstand the heat

theyre roasted, not fried.

on Dec 04, 2004
The scriptures teach that in the last day shall come scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming- The spirit is present, it is the proof.

And the scriptures were written by...

Enjoy your Cheez Nips but be sure to consume them here for in they lake of fire- they shall not withstand the heat.

I was not aware I was going to a lake of fire...What a horrible place for someone who has not done anything any more misguided than you to end up in. And on a side bar...if you've had real old Cheez Nips around...them things can't be destroyed, man...
on Dec 04, 2004
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist.

To all reading this thread- does it seem odd that such an antichrist-spirit would dwell on a religion blog site. Just another proof that the Word of God is true and very accurate.

I must close for the night... Sunday is tomorrow and I must preach.... hence preacherman.

I will be back tomorrow night... Lord willing!

on Dec 04, 2004
Hey, so now I'm the antichrist...maybe my ex-girlfriend was right...

To all reading this thread- does it seem odd that such an antichrist-spirit would dwell on a religion blog site. Just another proof that the Word of God is true and very accurate.

I was under the impression that your original question called for differing opinions...what seems odd is that now, having realized that you can't make all of us agree with you, you have resorted to calling people antichrists...tsk tsk...WWJD?
on Dec 05, 2004
The scriptures were written by people who had close, personal relationships with God and Jesus...they heard Jesus speak, preach, teach, and love. They heard God speak to them on the mountain top.

I made a choice to believe what the Bible says. I choose to believe that there is no interpretation needed. That's where all the controversy comes from...humans trying to "interpret" a document that needs no interpreting at all. We try to interpret it so that it will say what we want it to say...i.e. that's why the Metropolitan Community Church uses their own "interpretations" so that the language surrounding the topic of homosexuality isn't as harsh.

We push God out of our lives alot I think...and refuse to see Him and His work in the world. When I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon back in October...and looked across to the other side ten miles away...that was proof to me that God exists. The way I feel His Spirit move when I open my heart to Him...that's proof to me that He exists. The fact that my brought me through things in my life that most 24-year-old wet-behind-the-ears kids shouldn't have to go through is proof to me that He exists. I believe in the supernatural...and that's my choice. I also have beliefs about sin...murder, homosexuality, divorce, etc....and that's my choice. My belief in God and Jesus Christ is MY CHOICE...and in a world and a nation where we are SO liberal about everyone's rights and beliefs and'd think that mine would be accepted.

I don't go around telling homosexual people that they're wrong. I don't go into prisons and tell the murderers and robbers that they're sinning. I don't tell people who have sex before they're married that they're going to hell...because I've got nothing to do with that.

I just think its funny that because I choose to believe the Word of God, go to church on Sundays, and remain sexually pure until I'm married that I'm considered a fool by the world.

Well...I guess I'm lucky that this world isn't all there is...and that it's not my home.
on Dec 05, 2004
The scriptures were written by people who had close, personal relationships with God and Jesus...they heard Jesus speak, preach, teach, and love. They heard God speak to them on the mountain top.

Alright. Now prove that what they wrote is exactly what God said, and that any personal feelings that those people may have had did not cause them to distort His Word.

I just think its funny that because I choose to believe the Word of God, go to church on Sundays, and remain sexually pure until I'm married that I'm considered a fool by the world.

I don't think anyone considers you a fool. We just happen to disagree.

My belief in God and Jesus Christ is MY CHOICE...and in a world and a nation where we are SO liberal about everyone's rights and beliefs and'd think that mine would be accepted.

Accepting your beliefs is not synonymous with making national desicions in accordance with your beliefs. I accept your beliefs just as I accept everyone else's. I just don't want political decisions being made because of the doctrine of one faith.

on Dec 05, 2004

My belief in God and Jesus Christ is MY CHOICE...and in a world and a nation where we are SO liberal about everyone's rights and beliefs and'd think that mine would be accepted

to clarify something.  i realize your belief is your choice and i respect it as such.  im glad to see you exercising your right to express your beliefs--all of them. whether anyone agrees with your beliefs is irrelevant as long as your ability to express them is not impeded.  by the same token, neither you nor anyone else has a right to impose your beliefs on another, nor impede another's right to express his or her beliefs by demanding your beliefs be accepted.

protecting everyone's right to believe what they choose and express their beliefs requires constant vigilance to ensure our government is as free as possible of religious doctrine or model. 

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