And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.
How Important is the Word of God to the Church Today?
Published on December 3, 2004 By preacherman In Religion
How important is the Word of God for the church today? Does the church seem to be a falling away from the truth of God's Word supplanting it with a gospel more palatable to the flesh?


Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 07, 2004
Helix the II: "As for faith..the I feel it is open to interpretation. I do believe it is a guideline to follow, a roadmap if you will..and that you create heaven or hell based on how you live your life. Yeah, I've been branded a heretic.
Your faith or lack of faith has no bearing on my life in any form. A heavy believer such as preacherman has his right to believe as strongly as he desires. Same with Philomedy has the right to question and disbelief.
However, both of their beliefs end where mine begin, in respect to me. That's my right, my choice. "

I totally agree with you...that is my point.

"Government isn't an object, a machine..that has no will, no direction. It doesn't plod on based off of quotas and statistics. It isn't a robot. It is an organization of people. An organization of elected officials. These officials make judgement based off of their own moral compass and the compass of the nation."

I have no arguments with this either. I am perfectly aware that government is comprised of "people" who have their own set of "values." I also have no problem is elected officials look to those values for guidance. What I have a problem with is when elected officials seek to impose their religious values on society as a whole and the laws they are proposing are primarily, solely, or predominately based on their personal religious values. There is a difference. Abraham Lincoln was a person of faith and he drew strength and guidance from his faith...but he did not allow it to dictate his "political" decisions.

"Why can't a person with faith have intelligence and serve their office as dutifully as a non-faith based person?"

I never said they couldn' are missing the point.

"Anyways, my point is Anyone with Any belief has a right to serve in our government along side with any race and any gender. To discriminate against one is wrong. You're discriminating out of fear, at that point."

Now I am certain you are missing my point....

on Dec 07, 2004
," what can I say other than "I think you're wrong," and what can you say other than "I think I'm right?"

I give you an insightful for that philomedy- not because I agree with you, but because your comment is pithy- just hope your thoughts about the reality of God are not a misguided as your opinions.

The problem with electronic communications is that the flavor for comments are often mis-read. Something is said, but because we can not see their demeanor or hear the flex in ones voice the sincerity is often costruded as criticism or denegration. I hope all who are participating in this blog unsderstands that I am just sharing my heart. I am not tryin to hurt anyones feelings or belittle their opinion or thoughts. But I can not lie about my belief in God's Word.

philomedy- i did not mean the opinion above to hurt your feelings- it was really pretty good, but some times the way we see something keeps us from seeing the truth!

on Dec 07, 2004
Wow preacherman did go from asking opinions, to preaching, to condemnation. Man, that hurts the religion, you know? Started out nice and sane, then he dropped the ball along the way..heh..

Helix the II- didn't mean to sound condensending- but must admit I probably was preaching! Hence my name!!

God Bless
on Dec 07, 2004
I give you an insightful for that philomedy- not because I agree with you, but because your comment is pithy- just hope your thoughts about the reality of God are not a misguided as your opinions.

You haven't shown me how or why I'm supposedly misguided. All you've shown is how my opinions differ from yours.

philomedy- i did not mean the opinion above to hurt your feelings

No feelings are doing well, although I appreciate your concern. (That was a sincere comment, by the way. Honestly, thanks for the sentiment, I hope I have not hurt anyone either.)

it was really pretty good, but some times the way we see something keeps us from seeing the truth!

on Dec 07, 2004
Thanks for the kind words philomedy- but now we can get back to the debate.

My situation is kind'a like the doctor. A man goes to the doctor with serious symtoms of a disease, that if left untreated could be fatal.
So the doctor does all of his dignostics. All the things that he has learned for identifying catastophic illness and treating the symtoms. He has given his life to savin the life of men & women. After he has completed his study, he thinks he has made an eductated decision. He thinks he knows what the man's problem is. So he makes a recomendation on the treatment that will cure the illness. I might add at this juncture the doctor has been known to make the wrong diagnosis.

Now the man, he may be offended and actually angry at the doctors diagnosis but the doctor has to tell the man what he honestly belives to be the malfunction. It is the doctors responsibility, if he is a good doctor and seriously concerned about the mans welfare.
The doctor make a recomendation as to the treatment the man will need but it is the man's free choice not to take the doctors advise. Therefore the outcome of the man's well being is ultimately his own decision.

I have studied out the scriptures and found them to be true- that does not mean that you, t-bone or any other bloggers may disagree. That is perfectly the choice that we all have. But as a good doctor (preacher), and seriously concerned about the welfare of every man's soul, I must share the cure..... it is Jesus Christ.

God Bless philomedy
on Dec 07, 2004
While I applaud your analogy, it falls short.

The doctor does diagnostics and performs test that are based on previous experiments and countless theories that have been proven, disproven and refined. He does not make his diagnosis based on the fact that he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that supposedly talked to a guy that supposedly exists and knows all about medicine. I, as a patient, would be rediculed for just accepting a diagnosis such as this.

The other thing I would take issue with is the implication that I am ill. A differing opinion is not an illness, it is just a difference. To stick with your analogy, let us assume that a doctor is accompanying a patient for a meal. When their food arrives, the patient sends his plate back because it is spicy, and the patient does not like spicy foods. The doctor, who enjoys spicy foods, decides that the patient must be ill, and proceeds to try to manufacture a cure. Disliking spicy foods, however, is not an illness. It is simply a difference in taste.
on Dec 07, 2004
Another insigthful philomedy- just hope your thoughts about the reality of God are not a misguided as your opinions.

The problem is this, the diagnosis IS NOT
based on the fact that he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that supposedly talked to a guy that supposedly exists and knows all about medicine.

In fact the scriptures teach that God in sundry times and in divers manner has spoken unto us by the prophets but in these later times has spoken unto us by His Son. Hebrews 1:1-2

The religious leaders could not understand why Christ sat at meat with publicans and sinners. Christ response to them.....Matt.9:12 "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick".

The cure comes from The Great Physician. His credentials are certain and secure.

Merry Christmas

on Dec 07, 2004
Another insigthful philomedy- just hope your thoughts about the reality of God are not a misguided as your opinions.

I believe God is real. So do you. Theres your answer about how misguided I am about that. As far as my opinions, unless you can prove they are misguided and not just different, I'd appreciate it if you let that part of your argument die.

In fact the scriptures teach that God in sundry times and in divers manner has spoken unto us by the prophets but in these later times has spoken unto us by His Son. Hebrews 1:1-2The religious leaders could not understand why Christ sat at meat with publicans and sinners. Christ response to them.....Matt.9:12 "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick".The cure comes from The Great Physician. His credentials are certain and secure.

By this point, it should be clear that citing the Bible isn't going to convince me.

on Dec 07, 2004
I realize that philomedy- it's just my nature.

I truely have enjoyed the debate but I do realize that it is the scripture that separates us. I do believe it is our passion for what we believe that makes us both a little hard headed- I did not mean that in a condescending fashion.

This is only my second thread and I belive that the debate between just you and me is not the true spirit of what the blog susposed to be about, so I am going to bow out unless further discussion comes in from other Joes.

I do hope you have a Merry Christmas!

God Bless
on Dec 07, 2004
Well, then, its been fun. I look forward to our next debate.

Merry Xmas to you as well.

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