and they were guys too right? hmmmm
this is, in fact, what hapened in the past election but just as it wasnt god who made honkytonk angels, he had nothing to do with hateful initatives in those 11 states in which false claims to his endorsement were used as a rallying point by cynical strategists.
the source of their will--honest tho it may have been--was a manifestation of the false prophets described in the bible. hell they didnt even bother to cloak the wolves in those commercials with sheeps clothing now did they?
i see nothing moral or valuable or even godly in advocating government definition of what is claimed to be a religious rite. more than that, the christ of the gospels strongly condemned divorce as the destroyer of marriage, yet said not a word about sexual orientation of potential partners. maybe he forgot that issue? maybe he couldnt foresee it becoming a problem?
is there any reason to conclude the religious leaders of our day arent equally blinded? judge not lest ye be judged, no?