And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.
Would It Change What You Believed?
Published on February 24, 2005 By preacherman In Religion
Man is born, and man will die.

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return"

If you could see what is on the other side of this life would it change what you believe today?

God's Word gives us a glimps of two men that lived and that died. What did they find on the other side of this life?

Check it out and let me know what you think....... Luke 16:19-31

If this glimps of life after death is TRUE..... eternity is a long, long time!


on Feb 25, 2005
Thanks for your input little whip.

on Feb 26, 2005
if people are going to screw around with code for this application, you might at least make some attempt to check the resultant abortion for errors.

Can you expound on this thought little whip? I don't know that I understand what you mean?

on Feb 26, 2005
Hey Preacherman,
Whilst doing a comprehensive study on all the passages relating to the question, "Where do the lost go when the die?" - this passage forms a solid evidence, as the Lord Jesus Christ is pre-existent, and eternal he witnessed these things first hand, as GOD. To have such a clear image of what awaits one after death, I would feel rather strongly that anyone after having read this passage would want to not jest, but make certain that they do not go to this place. Precisely the words used by the man who ended up in Sheol/Hades. The sunstruck hebrew is the Son of God, not believing you are dead, when the God's Word states that 'all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.' - will not just go away because you don't believe it is true. It is the same as the person who had cancer and would not believe they did, because the could not see it. Eventually, cancer kills. Eventually, sin will drag you into a place just like the unnamed rich man found himself. I would not play so losely with words, trying to make an impressive display with eloquence. Finally, just remember that this only but a swimming pool of agony, compared to standing before a righteous and Holy God, and trying to convince him with these words that you have indeavoured to excuse away your accountability. Following that is a place far worse than hell, called Tophet/Gehenna...the lake of fire, and that will be forever and ever....Such a horror, you do not want to gamble with.
on Feb 26, 2005
aeryck your knowledge of the scriptures is refreshing.

I have often thought when Christ redeemed the souls of those (the repentant thief on the cross, Lazarus, OT Saints, etc...)imprisioned in Paradise that what hopelessness must have been witnessed on the other side of the great gulf. They saw first hand God redeem fallen man, only to realize their (unbelieving) eternal destiny of agony. Colossians 2:15 comes to mind.... having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

What salvation can be found in that SONstruck Hebrew, if only we will believe God's Word about our sin.

God Bless aeryck and thanks for your comments (truth)
on Feb 26, 2005
Thanks for the clarafication above little whip / emperoroficecream

no one has come back to tell us about it

I think this is the reason God gave us this glimps of truth. God does not want the fate of the rich man to be our eternal destiny, unless we reject His salvation in Christ. He wants us to know what awaits the heart of unbelief so we can make an educated decision. So really he has shown us this so we will not wind up there... aeryck's point above.Christ was God in the flesh and He did die for the sin of humanity and came back from the dead. He is the one that revealed this hidden truth!

In the story found in Luke 16 that was what the rich man wanted, that someone would go back from the dead and tell his father and brothers of this place so they would not end up there. This man's father and brothers had the same opportunity that we all have, that is to believe the scriptures- if we will not believe what the Bible tells us of this eternal fate, we would not believe if someone came back from the dead.

Thanks for posting & God Bless
on Feb 27, 2005
if we will not believe what the Bible tells us of this eternal fate, we would not believe if someone came back from the dead.

Smiles...i said i wouldnt get involved in this discussion because no one here is likely to change anyone else's mind, but i will disagree with the statement above.

What you just said was that if a person wouldnt believe in the afterlife described in a disjointed, contradictory, incomplete (i do hope you are aware of the hundreds of gospels that were rejected for inclusion in the 'official' Bible at the council of Nicea) 2000 year old manuscript that has been repeatedly translated from it's orginial Aramaic language by powerful men with political aims, then a person wouldnt believe in the afterlife if a loved one, long dead, manifested themselves on this physical plane and spoke to them about it?

That doesnt make sense. I know if my brother (who died in 2001) made an appearance today to tell me about the afterlife, id become a believer right quick!
on Feb 27, 2005
LW/ sound like a smart schizophrenic. Your interjection about the Scriptures, and your hidden doubts about preservation of the autographs (original New Testament Manuscipts), there is clearly a lot more that you need to acquaint yourself before you so quickly dismiss the New Testament. It continually amuses me how few so called critics on this blogg have done any reseach whatsoever, it is apparent that all the have amassed is a flirtation with the facts. I suggest you do a little more than web surfing or chats with like minded atheists. The Greek New Testament was faithfully preserved for over a 1000 years by the Greek Church 452 - 1453, I would guess that indicates some sort of Providence on God's part?, preserving the Scriptures and infact purifying them, by allowing the printing of said texts to be done in 1516 by Erasmus, and then used throughout the Protestant Reformation....and merged with the Latin Vulgate to remove all errors from the text...I guess there is so much we do not know, and much more I could tell, but like Myrrander who only 'plays' I guess you are another joker. You might repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour if your brother came back from the dead to warn you about being in Hades/Sheol? I find that hard to believe, considering the point was by Jesus, that no such thing is allowed, and the Scriptures are clearly the only proof that you need for that, and that is Jesus' point. The Hebrew Masoretic Text, which contain the Writings of Moses, alone should clearly be enough to convince you of the terrors of Hell. Perhaps, I might end with something about The Queen of Sheba who travelled to learn of the Wisdom of Solomon. Yet, you would listen to your brother when there is One wiser that Solomon in our midst, namely the Lord Jesus Christ. Being on this blogg is a nice way to escape reckoning, on the other had, have you considered you cannot see me, cannot hear me, only read my words, and yet you still believe it enough to write back. How about God's words, about what is to come. It is apparent that the man in Hades had deep regret, and deep anguish about his position, what an eye in to the OTHER SIDE.
on Feb 27, 2005
It is apparent that the man in Hades had deep regret, and deep anguish about his position, what an eye in to the OTHER SIDE.

aeryck is correct about the truth of the scriptures, I wish this deep regret upon NO soul.

Consider the heart of unbelief, Matt.28:11-15 When the soilders guarding the selpucher of the Lord were satisfied that He was no longer dead... He is alive, they came and told the religious leaders of the day, the grave is empty. To suppress the truth of the resurrection, they offered the soldiers money saying "say ye His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept".

If someone from the dead would convience one of the truth of life after death, these guys were in the middle of a pool of conviction. Confronted with the undisputable truth of the resurrection they still would not believe... the heart of unbelief, it is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

I know if my brother (who died in 2001) made an appearance today to tell me about the afterlife, id become a believer right quick!

the Scriptures are clearly the only proof that you need for that

Emperoroficecream, aeryck is correct.... really it is the scriptures that are correct Jesus is the proof.

on Mar 05, 2005 ~ Koinonia Urgent.