And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.
You Must Be Mistaken, Not X-MAS... Christmas
Published on December 24, 2004 By preacherman In Religion
With another Christmas season, comes a more aggresive anti-Christian spirit. I can understand those who don't believe in God how they would be so adamant upon removing Christ from the Christmas holiday, but it is troubling to me to see the blatant pro-Islamic agenda of the ACLU while they are vehemently suppressing the Christian's freedoms.

Click on the following link for an excellent article that shows this truth! Link

I would like to pose a series of questions on this thread-

1.) Is the ACLU really the American Civil Liberties Union or the Anti-Christian Liberties Union?
2.) What could possibly be the agenda of promoting the ACLU (anti-Christian) view and propogating the Muslim Religion?
3.) Does the ACLU promote some religions while suppressing the Christian faith or have I missed the mark?

Before closing out this thread I feel it neccessary to say that eventhough I am Christian, I most certainly do not hate members of any other faith. But it is hard for me to see such a blatant attack against my faith while others seem to get a free pass.

Maybe it is what Jesus Christ meant when He said in John 15:18 "if the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."

God Bless and Merry Christmas

on Dec 24, 2004

Good points!  Nice article too! I hope you have a great Christmas!


on Dec 24, 2004
You too Dr. Guy
Thanks for commenting!

God Bless
on Dec 24, 2004
Interesting thoughts, and ones that have been expressed for a long time, but which continue to be entirely wrong. To respond to your questions:

1) The ACLU really is the American Civil Liberties Union (if you want a group concerned with only protecting a specific group's rights, try the ACLJ, which only bothers itself with Christians)
2) I don't know, and I bet the ACLU doesn't either, since it doesn't.
3) You have missed the mark.

The article you quote is about justified astonishment over an incredibly offensive letter. Why didn't TAPPS just go ahead and ask if the Muslim school was training terrorists? That's really what they wanted to know.

You have to consider this from the point of view of the Muslim school. What if someone sent me a letter asking me how involved I was with drug running and gang activity (I am Hispanic)? What if someone sent you a letter asking if you encouraged members of your congregation to explode abortion clinics? I think you might take exception too.

In closing, a few bits of evidence to try to convince you that the ACLU is not out to get Christianity:


Merry Christmas to you as well...I had a feeling we would meet again...

on Dec 24, 2004
Greetings once again philomedy. Like you, I knew we would meet again. If you noticed I stayed away from the deep spiritual truths of the scripture because I realized you do not have the capacity to comprehend…. just kidding!

I did check out all the links on your thread and must admit that I did not realize the ACLU had done so much for Christianity. One thing that I noted was that these were all individual episodes but really were not paramount stands for the Christian faith. A good example of what I am talking about is what is taking place in the California school systems. I understand there is a move in America to maintain the separation of church and state. While it is working quite well for the Christian religion, the following Link
reveals the Islamic religion is getting a free pass. Doesn’t there seem to be a double standard?

I would never say that the ACLU would not do something for Christians, but when it comes to issues of foundational importance, I tend to see the ACLU turning a deaf ear to the Christian faith, while turning a blind eye to other religions.

My thought is that the ACLU does not mind giving up some small skirmishes as long as the battle focus is not lost…. They don’t mind loosing a battle as long as they win the war.

This quote is from the last link on your thread- Mr. Cline
“Save this link because it demonstrates an example (one of many, to be fair) of the ACLU not simply going to bat on behalf of Christians, but Christians who despise the ACLU. The next time a conservative evangelical spouts off about how the "ACLU" stands for Anti-Christian Legal Union or something equally moronic, show them this and make it clear that if they continue in a similar manner, they will stop being guilty of ignorance and start being guilty of bearing false witness.”

It seems that if it is necessary to save this article to prove…. There must be reason for one to believe. It just seems to me Christianity and other religions are on different defense levels with the ACLU.

Maybe others will comment on these thoughts and we will see if it is only me that is thinking moronic.


on Dec 24, 2004
While it is working quite well for the Christian religion, the following Linkreveals the Islamic religion is getting a free pass. Doesn’t there seem to be a double standard?

I wouldn't say that. Your link cites an isolated incident where one school made an asinine decision. They deserved to get sued, and they did. In general, though, and I mean in the broad sense that goes beyond schools and encompasses the nation (and perhaps even the world), the Muslim religion is not getting a free anything.

It seems that if it is necessary to save this article to prove…. There must be reason for one to believe. It just seems to me Christianity and other religions are on different defense levels with the ACLU.

Bad choice of words from the journalist, as there are plenty of examples. The three I cited were only a few of the ones that came up when I Googled "ACLU protects Christian rights."

Maybe others will comment on these thoughts and we will see if it is only me that is thinking moronic.

Just to clarify, the use of the moronic word was entirely the generalization of the journalist who wrote the article in question. I debated using it to support myself since the man is clearly biased, but his personal opinions do not diminish the reality of the case, and who the ACLU fought for, which is why I included it.

on Dec 24, 2004

the aclu is not anti-anything.  it is pro-civil liberties.  instead of prematurely mourning the demise of christianity (a position that would seem to put you at odds with your claim to faith jesus will ultimately prevail), you might want to consider thanking god there's an organization willing to speak up and defend our collective right to believe what we want and to be free from the state imposing any belief structure on any of us or favoring one over another. 

there are good men and women who, like you, are absolutely sure they--and they alone--know the mind of god. they wholeheartedly believe youve been badly misled and are utterly positive you need to be shown the errors of your ways. should they be permitted to impose their beliefs on you? 

like you, they may 'know', with every cell in their bodies, it's their divinely appointed mission to bring their god's message to all.  should they be permitted to deliver that message to your kids in schools you support with your taxes? 

while it may seem to you apparent your bible is filled with proven wisdom and miracles, they feel the same way about their own holy writings.

should they be denied their triumph over your wickedness?  or you theirs?  the only fair (and fortunately legal) way to prevent either of you from forcing your beliefs on each other--or the rest of us--is to prevent the government from being involved with or acting on behalf of all ministries.

noone is free unless we are all free. 

on Dec 24, 2004
Merry Christmas kingbee

on Dec 25, 2004
Can you expound a little Helix the II? Do you think Christians are not willing to accept other faiths?

on Feb 11, 2005
"The TAPPS letter, a symbol of religious intolerance, has no place in a nation that was originally built by those seeking asylum from such intolerance," said Iesa Galloway, executive director of CAIR's Houston office, in correspondence to the TAPPS board.

As far as I can see, it is the christian part that do all the mistakes. They snarl, they misjudge, and they insult.
Islam is the last teaching given by God to humans. Why would you all christians still believe in a bible which is full of humans interpretation, modification, and manipulations?
Do you know that Chrismast Ceremony was a sun worshippers 's ceremony adopted by Paul just to save his butt from Rome's ruler denial? ( Paul said that "God Said to me : "Whichever you hold true on Earth, I shall hold true on Heaven"", or something similar).

And Preacherman, your paranoia to Islam smells like you're grown on some church's barn

on Feb 12, 2005
Islam is the last teaching given by God to humans.

I now we can uderstand this bitter spirit that walks the religious blogs.

your paranoia to Islam smells like you're grown on some church's barn

I must be honest with you mythgarr, it is not a paranoia of Islam but the fact that the ACLU is the greatest instrument of Satan against the Word of God in America. In Indonesia, Nigeria, Sudan, the Phillippines, etc.... predominant Muslim countries Christians are killed by Muslim extremist in attempt to supress the Truth of Gods Word. In America is the ACLU lawyers doing it in the courts.

In Asia the believers are willing to die lest the forsake the truth of His Word. In America there is less commitment.

Thanks for resurrecting a couple of old discussions.

on Feb 12, 2005
" Why would you all christians still believe in a bible which is full of humans interpretation, modification, and manipulations?"

Why would someone whose religion relies upon people's memory and a book feel justified in degrading another religion for doing the same? It's not like there aren't different flavors of Islam. I guess your religion isn't bereft of "interpretation" huh?

You have nothing to more to prove that "Islam is the last teaching given by God to humans. " than preacherman has to back up his beliefs.

The fact that you think that your truth is self-evident just shows how little difference there is between the two attitudes...
on Feb 12, 2005
" Why would you all christians still believe in a bible which is full of humans interpretation, modification, and manipulations?"

For consideration- The suposed Christians who kill abortionist are most misguided and not directed according to the truths of the scriputres- The muslim extremist that kill for the cause of their faith are also misguided and misdirected. So where does the confusion come from? The desires of the human heart... it is decietful above all things and desperately wicked.

I think we should all agree the scriptures do not teach murder and destruction- where do we think that comes from? It is an anti-life, bitter spirit that is bent on destruction.... satan is the author of it- all the way back to Cain & Abel.
